The key to better writing is often good editing. Good editors have little tricks. These tricks require them to have a knowledge of the common mistakes that can weaken a person’s writing. They get into the habit of hunting down these errors and systematically fixing them.
One common thing to look out for is verb-style writing. We can make our writing more vivid, direct, and clear by using strong verbs rather than nouns. Many writers, though, develop a habit of relying too much on nouns that contain hidden verbs. Often, they feel that the noun habit makes their work seem more formal and serious.
For example, pay is a perfectly good verb. It’s short, strong, and easily understood. Nevertheless, many writers use the more wordy, make a payment. Payment is a hidden verb and a hidden trap that can weaken your writing if you aren’t careful.
A good editor would make the following change in this sentence:
- BEFORE: You must make your payment on the first day of each month.
- AFTER: You must pay on the first day of each month.
Another example would be the following:
- BEFORE: You should submit your complaints in writing to the area manager.
- AFTER: You should complain in writing to the area manager.
The following table lists verbs that are commonly hidden in nouns and waiting to come out.
Give this a try. In almost every case, you can make your writing shorter, snappier, and easier to understand with this simple trick.
Offer some advice | Advise |
Come to an agreement | Agree |
Perform an analysis | Analyze |
Make an appeal | Appeal |
Perform an assessment | Assess |
Make a purchase | Purchase (or buy) |
Do a calculation | Calculate |
Make a comment | Comment |
Register a complaint | Complain |
Come to a conclusion | Conclude |
Create a connection | Connect |
Make a contribution | Contribute |
Make a decision | Decide |
Complete delivery | Deliver |
Have a discussion | Discuss |
Derive enjoyment from | Enjoy |
Conduct (or hold) an enquiry | Enquire |
Provide an estimate | Estimate |
Perform an examination | Examine |
Have an expectation | Expect |
Conduct an investigation | Investigate |
Make an observation | Observe |
Make a payment | Pay |
Do a performance | Perform |
Have a reaction | React |
Cause a reduction | Reduce |
Put in a request | Request (or ask) |
Have a requirement | Require |
Have a resemblance | Resemble (or look like) |
Carry out a review | Review |
Enjoy success | Succeed |
Make a suggestion | Suggest |
Harbor a suspicion | Suspect |
Conduct a visit | Visit |