When the pandemic started and employees were sent home to work, no one knew what effect this would have on the quality and quantity of work that was produced. But according to a recent survey of 100 executives by McKinsey & Company (conducted between December 2020 and January 2021), it appears that productivity and employee engagement actually increased in most organizations during the pandemic.
The amount that it increased, however, seemed to be directly related to how much employees communicated with each other. The biggest jumps in productivity and engagement occurred in those companies that encouraged colleagues to talk to each other, share ideas, discuss projects, coach each other, and solve problems together.

So communication is important. It was important when most employees were working from home, and it’s still important now, with many employees splitting their time between working in the office and working from home. Managers and employees should make an effort to maintain a high level of communication. It’s essential for an effective, productive work environment.
Alexander, A., Cracknell, R., Smet, A. D., Langstaff, M., Mysore, M., & Ravid, D. (2021). What executives are saying about the future of work. McKinsey & Company. Retrieved from: https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/organization/our-insights/what-executives-are-saying-about-the-future-of-hybrid-work
Michael G
09/27/2021 @ 10:29 AM
I agree. However, if we go to the office and sit in our rooms with the doors closed and worry about catching covid all day from our colleagues, that would be counterproductive. As much as I hate Zoom meetings, it seems to be the best we can do for another year or so. So sad.