Unconscious biases are stereotypes or prejudices that we’re not fully aware we have. They’re a product of our environment and life experiences. They influence the way we view other people and the world around us. They can even impact the decisions we make at work and the way in which we interact with our coworkers.
Psychologists at the University of Virginia, Harvard University, and the University of Washington created a series of online tests that can help to reveal unconscious bias. They’re called the Implicit Association Tests or IATs. If you’d like to get more insight into the IATs and your own unconscious beliefs, try taking one of these tests.
Just follow these steps:
- Click the link on this screen. https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/demo/
- Under “Project Implicit Social Attitudes,” click the “Go!” button.
- After reading the preliminary information, click “I wish to proceed.”
- Finally, select one of the IATs.
Have you tried taking one of the IATs? If so, did the results surprise you? Feel free to share your thoughts in the Comments section below.