I love winter. I think cold weather is great. But I must admit that these short days can sometimes be a little depressing. There’s just not enough sunshine! It’s hard to come to work when it’s not fully light out, and then leave after the sun has gone down. Also, I know that some people feel sad once all the holiday celebrations are over.
So if you’re feeling a little blue, you’re certainly not alone. It’s a very common problem! But there are ways to make things a little better. Here are some tips I found on how to lighten your mood:
- Brighten things up – Try to increase the amount of light in your environment as much as possible. Open up your curtains, cut back on tree branches if they’re blocking the light, and sit by your windows whenever you can. You could also try using one of those artificial lights (or “light boxes”) for about 30 minutes a day.
- Eat the right things – Chocolate can actually help to improve your mood. Yay, chocolate! In contrast, other types of candy and carbohydrates can make you feel good in the short term, but can cause you to feel more depressed once the initial effects wear off.
- Create your own dawn – Use a dawn simulating device to gradually lighten your bedroom in the morning, making it easier to get up – even when it’s still dark outside.
- Exercise – Go out and get some exercise. It doesn’t need to be some sort of fancy workout. Just walking fast for 35 minutes a day, five times a week, has been shown to alleviate symptoms of mild to moderate depression.
- Play music – Play something happy and upbeat. Studies show that it can really help to lighten your mood. No sad songs!
- Plan a trip – If you like to travel, it can be beneficial to plan a trip. The planning process can be very happy and enjoyable for some people.
- Help other people – Helping other people is one of the best ways to take your mind off your own troubles and feel better about yourself.
- Go outside – It really is great to be out in the sunshine – even if you’re bundled up in five layers of clothes and a big winter coat. Being outside in the fresh air often makes people feel happier and more relaxed.
Do you have any other tips on how to banish the winter blues? If so, please share them in the Comments section below!
Hauck, B. (n.d.). 8 scientifically-backed ways to beat the winter blues. Real Simple. Retrieved from: http://www.realsimple.com/health/mind-mood/emotional-health/winter-blues