Do you tend to apologize a lot? Do you say you’re sorry multiple times a day? Do you apologize for things that are not under your control or not your fault? Do you apologize to inanimate objects when you mistakenly bump into them? (I do this. Please tell me I’m not the only one.)

If you answered “yes” to these questions, it’s possible that you’ve gotten into the habit of apologizing and you may do it too frequently. Now don’t get me wrong – sometimes it’s important and necessary to say you’re sorry! But if you frequently apologize when an apology is not actually necessary, it can cause you to have unwarranted feelings of guilt and unhappiness.

So how can you break this habit? Try this simple solution. Instead of saying “I’m sorry,” say “thank you.” For example:

  • Don’t say: I’m sorry about the typo in my report.
  • Say this instead: Thank you for noticing the typo in my report.
  • Don’t say: I’m sorry I’m a few minutes late to this meeting.
  • Say this instead: Thank you for waiting for me!
  • Don’t say: Sorry that I’m rambling.
  • Say this instead: Thank you for helping me to organize my ideas.

Saying “thank you” instead of “I’m sorry” puts a positive spin on the situation. Your coworkers will appreciate you thanking them, and you won’t be left feeling uncomfortable and guilty. It might take a little conscious effort to make this change, but it could be well worth it. If you do decide to give this technique a try, please share your results in the Comments section below!


Boogaard, Kat. (n.d.). The two words you should start saying instead of “I’m sorry.” The Muse. Retrieved from