It’s a new year! That means it’s time for a fresh start. It’s also time to make some resolutions about things that you want to accomplish in 2020.

Everyone has their own personal goals. I’m going to try to eat a more healthy diet. I’d also like to learn more about landscaping so I can figure out how to revive my patchy, weedy front yard. (I think it’s going to be a real battle — those weeds are pretty hardy.)

But if your goal is to become happier and more successful at work, you’re in luck! Because according to author Frances Bridges, you can achieve this goal by making just a few simple New Year’s resolutions:

  • Try to be on time – If you’re the kind of person who tends to arrive late to work or meetings, make a greater effort to be on time. Your manager and coworkers will appreciate your punctuality, and view you in a more positive light.
  • Get organized – Clean up your desk, file those stacks of loose papers, update your calendar, and do whatever else is necessary to get yourself organized. You’ll feel more in control, and you’ll be more efficient and productive.
  • Get to know some new people – Networking is hard. But you should try to make an effort to meet some new people in your department or industry. Making new connections can really benefit you in the long run.
  • Ask for feedback – Whenever you finish a major project, ask your manager to give you a little feedback on your performance. It will help you to identify your strengths and the areas in which you may need a little improvement.
  • Learn new things – Learn how to use a new type of software or read an article about new advancements in your field. The more you know, the more effective you’ll be.
  • Reduce your stress – When things get tense at work, take a short break and try to relax. Go for a walk outside, chat with a coworker, or just step away from your desk and take a few deep breaths. Do what you need to do to look after yourself and reduce your level of stress.
  • Let things go –Even if you’re feeling angry with someone at work, try to let it go. Holding a grudge is exhausting, and it will make your work life less satisfying and more stressful. Life is just easier when everyone gets along.

Bridges, F. (2018, December 17). The ten best New Year’s resolutions for your career. Forbes. Retrieved from: