I’ve written a few articles about stress management in the past. Researchers have found that you can ease the pain of a stressful day in a variety of ways, including watching a cat video, striking a power pose, or looking at trees.

But if cats, power poses, and trees aren’t you’re thing, now you have another option! A recent study suggests that one of the best ways to manage stress at work is to learn something new.

Study participants who learned something new at work reported feeling less stress and anxiety. The act of learning also improved their mood. They felt more positive and encouraged. Feelings of frustration and disappointment were reduced.

Learning something new can help you to become more skilled, confident, and ready to take on the challenges of the workplace. It can keep your mind active while still giving you a necessary break from the work that’s causing you stress.

So the next time you’re feeling stressed at work, try learning something new about a topic that interests you. You’ll not only become more knowledgeable and skilled – you’ll also feel a little bit better about your difficult day.

Niemiec, R. (2018, March 9). Surprising new finding on how to manage stress at work. Psychology Today. Retrieved from: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/what-matters-most/201803/surprising-new-finding-how-manage-stress-work