Mondays can be rough. After spending a weekend relaxing and enjoying free time, it can sometimes be hard to return to the office. So what can you do on Sunday to make the transition easier? Try these steps:

  1. Spend an hour on Sunday getting organized. Prepare for the workweek by planning out your meals, picking out what you’re going to wear the next day (and making sure it’s ironed), and getting things organized so that it will be easier to get out the door on Monday morning. Just don’t take it too far! Don’t start answering work emails or doing actual work. Remember that you need to protect your time off. You need weekend time to separate yourself from the office and unwind.
  2. Eat healthy. Go ahead and indulge on Friday night and Saturday. But on Sunday, it’s a good idea to eat delicious, healthy meals. If you eat a lot of unhealthy food and drink a lot of alcohol on Sunday, you’re likely to feel less-than-stellar on Monday morning.
  3. Accomplish something. A lazy Sunday is sometimes a wonderful thing. But spending your Sunday getting something accomplished could make you feel even better. Volunteering or getting some sort of task done that’s been hanging over your head feels really good. And that good mood can linger – making you feel better and brighter on Monday.
  4. Get some sleep. Getting exercise during the day, eating healthy, and avoiding caffeine in the evening can all help you to fall asleep Sunday night and get a good night’s rest. Seven to eight hours of sleep (if you can get it) can make you feel refreshed, alert, optimistic, and ready to face the workweek.



Booth, S. (2016, July 9). Six simple Sunday habits to set you up for a productive week. Fast Company. Retrieved from