It’s so important to be on good terms with your coworkers. When people have good relationships at work, they’re happier and more productive. They’re more likely to collaborate, share ideas, be creative, and enjoy the work that they do.

So what should you do to make your coworkers like you? According to research, the answer is simple – you should ask them questions.

When you ask people questions and really listen to their answers, you form a bond. You create a feeling of trust and connection. And that’s an important foundation for any relationship.

But the way that you ask questions is important! Getting too personal too quickly is a big misstep. So is asking questions in an angry tone or not really listening to the person’s answer. If you want your coworkers to like you, you need to ask questions the right way. Try following these four steps:

  1. Start with simple questions – Don’t begin by asking your coworker a really personal, tough, or challenging question. You may be seen as abrasive or intrusive. Start out with simple questions and build from there.
  2. Use a friendly tone of voice – Don’t be too formal or curt when asking questions. People respond better to questions asked in a friendly, casual manner. If you use a warm tone of voice, your coworkers will most likely be warm and friendly in return.
  3. Ask open-ended questions – There’s nothing wrong with asking people questions that they can answer with a simple “yes” or “no.” But when you ask open-ended questions that require a more detailed response, you’ll be more likely to learn valuable new information and form a connection.
  4. Ask follow-up questions – Follow-up questions are essential! When you ask follow-up questions, you’re demonstrating to your coworkers that you’ve been paying attention and you care about what they have to say. Your coworkers will most likely appreciate your interest and respond by being even more friendly, open, and honest.


Koulopoulos, T. (2018, July 22). Harvard study reveals one word is the secret to being likeable and emotionally intelligent. Inc. Retrieved from: