Do you have a problem with procrastination? Do you sometimes put off until tomorrow the things that you should be doing today? If so, it’s time to make a change! Take the 3-minute SkillSoft e-course, “Planning for Interruptions Helps with Procrastination,” to learn how to remove distractions and manage your time more effectively.
Sasha Grutzeck
Posts by Sasha Grutzeck:
The Importance of Perseverance… and Cat Videos
Today I thought I’d write an article about the nature and importance of perseverance. I think it’s such an important quality. When you have a difficult or daunting project to do, perseverance is often essential. It pushes you forward, forces you to deal with challenging situations, and ultimately helps you to accomplish your goals.
But I also think that no blog is complete without a cat video. So when I happened upon this video of Maru (the Internet sensation) determinedly stuffing himself into boxes of various sizes, it seemed like a perfect match.
Is Maru a little bit obsessed with boxes? Maybe. Was it wise of him to try and stuff himself into that slim box? Perhaps not. But he demonstrates a level of perseverance that is truly impressive.
To persevere, you have to have a clear understanding of your ultimate goal, and the steps that you need to take to get there. Then you need to work through those steps, dealing with the roadblocks that you’ll face along the way. As you’re working, think about the techniques that you’re using and the progress that you’ve made so far. Are you using the right approach? Is there are better or smarter way to achieve your goal? Make adjustments, if necessary.
But the most important thing is to keep moving forward. Work around the obstacles that you face. Eventually, your perseverance will most likely pay off. And hopefully, you will feel as satisfied and fulfilled as Maru wedged into a tiny box. Good luck!
Leadership Behaviors
What does it take to be a great leader? Many different scholars have compiled lists of the skills that they consider to be essential for effective leadership. These lists vary, but they do share many of the same common elements. Most believe that effective leaders need to listen, help, encourage, and contribute. They need to think about where the group wants to go and the best way to get there. They also need to demonstrate these eight behaviors:
- Inspire – Have a vision of the future and share it with your followers. Motivate them to work with you to achieve that vision.
- Form close relationships – Provide your followers with support and encouragement. Listen to their concerns and be sensitive to their needs. Understand and respect their different attitudes and opinions.
- Act purposefully – Provide your followers with direction. Establish goals and work towards them with energy and purpose.
- Organize – Organize your followers to accomplish what needs to be done.
- Generate solutions – Think of ways to solve the problems facing the group.
- Act decisively – Take the time to gather information and consider your options, but recognize when it’s time to make a decision.
- Do the right thing – Act with integrity and courage. Never forget your values, morals, and standards.
- Empower others – Help your followers to develop their strengths and talents so that they can contribute more effectively. Share your power with others. Allow your followers to take on important jobs and responsibilities.
Gardening at Hopkins
You may not know this, but tucked behind the Johns Hopkins at Eastern building is a lovely, green oasis. It’s a thriving community garden called “The Blue Jay’s Perch.” Every spring and summer, the garden comes alive with a variety of flowers, fruits, and vegetables. As you walk around the garden, you’ll see sunflowers, marigolds, broccoli, tomatoes, peppers of every color, and flowering fruit trees. You’ll also see raised beds, a fully-stocked tool shed, and an impressive irrigation system.
Anyone who is affiliated with the university (including faculty, students, and staff) is welcome to participate! You have two options:
- There are 4’ x 8’ plots available to groups of Hopkins students or employees. You can garden in this area all season and enjoy the fruits and vegetables that you grow. You will also be asked to pair up with a group of gardeners from the local community who will be gardening in an adjoining plot. You be asked to support and assist each other in your efforts. If you’re interested in this option, the Blue Jay Perch committee will provide you with contact information for neighborhood groups who would like to participate.
- There is also a “communal gardening area” for more casual gardeners. You can stop by on one of the regularly scheduled volunteer workdays and do some gardening with fellow gardening enthusiasts. Everyone who helps to garden this area will get to share in the bounty! Some produce will be donated to local charitable organizations.
If you’d like to get involved, send an email to And please visit the Blue Jay Perch website at:
In life, change is inevitable, and it sometimes requires employees to take time away from the university. An employee may need to take a leave of absence for health reasons, to care for a sick family member, to welcome a new child into the family, or to serve in the armed forces. Some employees will resign and leave the university.
When an employee takes a leave of absence or ends employment, certain procedures need to be followed and payroll adjustments need to be made. If these procedures aren’t followed, serious and costly mistakes can occur.
For instance, if an employee takes a leave of absence without pay, and this is not properly registered in SAP, the employee could continue to get regular pay amounts from the university. This is what is known as an “overpayment.” An overpayment is money paid to an employee in excess of the amount owed.
Overpayments cost the university millions of dollars every year. Resolving an overpayment takes a lot of time and effort. Since the employee has to pay federal and state income taxes on the overpayment, this can add to the confusion and complexity of the situation. And if the employee was overpaid with grant funding, this can put the university at risk.
Overpayments can be avoided if you follow correct procedure when processing leaves of absence and terminations. And if a mistake is made, it’s easier to remedy if it’s discovered early and dealt with immediately!
To learn more about the procedures that must be followed (and how to deal with an overpayment if it occurs), please take the e-course, “Managing Payroll for Leaves and Terminations.” This course will provide you with the information you need to process leaves of absence and terminations appropriately, and avoid costly overpayments. You can also view and print a series of detailed job aids, and practice what you’ve learned by working through several realistic practice scenarios.